Cheap Haircuts in Edinburgh
Finding cheap haircuts in Edinburgh
Haircuts are an essential expense, but unfortunately they can also be a costly one. Most haircuts need to be fixed up after a period of one month to six weeks, meaning that you’ll find yourself at the hairdresser’s again before you know it. However, Edinburgh is by no means a small city, so regardless of whether you live near the Old Town, on the South Side, the nearby Leith or other nearby towns, you’ll be able to find a hairdresser in Edinburgh to suit any budget.
Students and pensioners
Students and pensioners will often find that they’re eligible for reduced price haircuts and hairstyling, so it’s worth calling ahead to see if this is the case at your local hairdresser. In addition, many hairdressing salons and barbers will offer discount rates on particular days of the week, or during particular times of the day. Check with your local barber or hairdresser to see if they have a discount program of this type that you can take advantage of.
Buy one get one free or loyalty programs
Many hairdressers and beauty salons in Edinburgh will reward loyal customers by offering free or discounted haircuts. Often at these salons, a customer’s fifth or tenth haircut will be free, or they may receive a discount on similar related services such as hair colouring, or hair styling. Similarly, buy one get one free programs are often run by Edinburgh hair salons to encourage new customers to try out a new local salon.
Trainee hairdressing institutes
One great way of saving money at the hairdresser is to go to a training institute. Often these institutes will offer a haircut at a reduced rate, and will also offer discounts for hairstyling and hair colouring. This is great if you want to have your hair styled for a special event such as a wedding, but can’t afford the often hefty fee associated with hair styling. Some hairdressing institutes will often put out a call out for hair models whose hair they will cut and colour for no fee, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for these ads.
Shop locally
Another tip for keeping your hairdressing costs low is to shop locally or, if you live in an expensive area, shop slightly outside your comfort zone. Local hairdressers often keep costs low to encourage local clientele, unlike the bigger boutiques that have no qualms about charging higher prices. Similarly, hairdressing salons in the cheaper residential areas of Edinburgh or located in areas where there is a lot of competition will often charge cheaper rates for haircuts, hair colours, and hairstyling than those in other areas.